Equipping and empowering the whole musician.

Your resource for achieving peak performance and master teaching

Hi, I’m James!

I’m a violinist, educator, administrator, husband, as well as a movement and self-help junkie.

While I did go to some really good schools, had some excellent teachers, and even got a full scholarship to study in Germany and Austria (ja ich kann Deutsch sprechen!), I still knew I was held back from reaching my full potential. That feeling led to my discovery of Alexander Technique and Body Mapping. I learned how to move according to my own body’s design which not only improved my own playing, but also improved my overall well-being. My aches and pains went away, I felt more energy, and I could practice more efficiently and longer than before. I went on to train as an Alexander Technique teacher, Body Mapping Educator & Training Mentor, and Suzuki Violin teacher in order to share what I learned with other artists out there like me, looking for the missing ingredient that can make or break their career.

Now I get the opportunity to teach and work with performers, teachers, and students to enhance their performance, avoid pain/injury, and train teachers. I’ve taught at schools and organizations such as the Manhattan School of Music, Mannes School of Music, New York University, Ithaca College, Montclair State University, among others.

One of my core values is to take what I’ve learned from my own experience and present it in a practical, applicable, and accessible way to whoever I’m working with. Since every body is different, so is my approach. We work together from wherever you are at to get you to where you want to go. I’m here to help you learn what expensive music schools and famous teachers don’t teach.

“Now, when I practice and perform, I physically and mentally feel the ground support me, and my sound resonates! After working with James, each time I enter the practice room, I find myself more aware of my body than before. The concepts have established an entirely new level of approaching my daily practice.”

— Laurie, Violinist

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